From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training
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Table structures - SQL Server Tutorial
From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training
Table structures
- [Instructor] Before we can start adding data to our database, we need to give it a structured place to go. This means it's time to create a table. Tables in a SQL Server database are created by defining the columns of information that you want to store. These columns called fields break down the details about the data into individual attributes. For instance, in a table that will store customer contact information, you would have separate columns to store each customer's first and last name, their address, city, and state. These column attributes make up the structure of the table. Then later, once your table structure is created and saved into the database, you can start adding in your data. This creates horizontal rows called records, and each record will be made up of the values stored in those columns. In our customer's table, each row corresponds to the detailed information about a single customer, and…
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Create the first database7m 55s
Database configuration options7m 29s
Table structures5m 23s
Create a simple table8m 8s
Edit a table's structure2m 56s
Enter data into a table using the GUI4m 10s
Import data from CSV files8m 49s
Create tables from flat files4m 44s
Install a sample database3m 33s