From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training

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Work with SQL Server in Docker

Work with SQL Server in Docker

- [Instructor] There is one additional way to get up and running with your own personal SQL Server instance, and that's to run the entire thing in an isolated container, using a program called Docker. Docker allows you to compartmentalize your applications. And by running SQL Server in a container, it makes it very easy to create, duplicate, backup, restore, and completely remove your entire server without ever having to make a change to the rest of your computer. Docker containers exist as a single file on your computer, and they contain everything the SQL Server instance needs to operate. For working with a new platform or experimenting and learning about new features, this is by far my preferred method of deploying SQL Server. And the best part is that this is a cross-platform solution, so it'll work on Windows, Linux, and macOS computers, unlike the traditional installation. The process starts by installing Docker,…
