From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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Glueing a model

Glueing a model

- [Instructor] It's time to export a model from Revit to Glue. The objective of this video is to jump into Revit, create a view to Glue then repeat the process. In Revit, under Models, let's go Open. Browse to where you're keeping your exercise files. I'm going to go to chapter 12. I'm going to go to models. I'll grab my architectural model. Of course, you can open any model that you have that you want to glue. I'm just using these as an example. I'll click Open. In the project browser, let's go down to 3D views. You should have 3D in brackets. Right click on that, duplicate view. Let's go to duplicate. Click on 3D Copy 1. Click it again. Let's call it Publish View. I call it that because we can glue it from this and we can also publish it to BIM 360 from here as well. I usually like to put a hyphen, then my initials but that's entirely up to you. Now let's make sure everything's turned on that we want…
