From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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Setting up your workbook

Setting up your workbook

- [Instructor] Since we're dealing with the fact that Navisworks is essentially a database, it stands to reason we're in a pretty good position to quantify every item that is contained within the model. I mean, why go through the ordeal of reinventing the wheel and do everything all over again, just to get it into the format you like? The purpose of this video is to demonstrate how to turn on your quantity workbook to be ready for some cool takeoffs. So I'm going to open my Navisworksessential.Nwd. Let's go to our home tab. Let's click on the quantification button. I'm going to close out of the sheet browser and for the quantification workbook, what I want to do is first right click on some item here in the model. Right between links and scenes we're about to have a new category called quantification. So what we need to do is go to project setup first to add that to here. So click on project setup. "Would you like to…
