From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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Slicing your model using sectioning

Slicing your model using sectioning - Navisworks Tutorial

From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

Slicing your model using sectioning

- [Instructor] The first time people see sectioning, their jaws drop. We know we can navigate through a model pretty well using the basic navigation tools. But what if we want to slice the model up? Well, Navisworks can certainly do that. This video will focus on how to enable sectioning within the viewpoint and control which planes are actually being sectioned. Then we'll link a couple planes together. So let's jump into Navisworks Essential and let's go to the viewpoint tab. Notice all the way down here we have enable sectioning. Click that and it's pretty hard to tell exactly where that section's coming from. So what I'd like to do is click on fit selection. Basically what that does is it just kind of turns our little gizmo on, which is neat 'cause it's a gizmo. So we can pull it out, we can push it in, we can do whatever we need to do with it. Of course, we can move it back and forth if it's out of range. What…
