From the course: Organizational Leadership in the Era of AI
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From the course: Organizational Leadership in the Era of AI
Focus your resources
- Before you invest in testing your first hypothesis, it's important to measure your reason-driven strategy against the ecosystem to determine whether other organizations are currently investing in any of the theories or hypotheses you're considering or have in the past. Because they may have already gone through a whole branch of theories and hypotheses within your strategy and proven them true or false. This doesn't automatically mean it will be true or false for you, but more information can further sharpen your reasoning. At this stage, we're going to determine which theories and hypotheses you should monitor, partner for, or invest in. To determine which you should monitor, there are two main considerations. Investments of other organizations in your sector and investments from the public sector, research institutes or industry coalitions. Any investments they're making that map to one of your theories and hypotheses is something you can choose to monitor, preserving your…
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