From the course: Photoshop 2024 Essential Training

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Replacing the contents of a Smart Object

Replacing the contents of a Smart Object - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop 2024 Essential Training

Replacing the contents of a Smart Object

- [Instructor] There are a number of reasons that you might need to change the contents of a smart object. Perhaps you're doing template work and you need to swap out images, or you're creating a design and you're waiting for the high resolution version or the final retouched photograph. So with this template open, I'll choose file and then place embedded. I'm going to place the rocks.jpeg, and Photoshop is going to automatically resize that document to fit within the open canvas, and we can see that it's resizing at 66% on the width and the height. I want to flip this image, so I will use the contextual task bar in order to do so and then click done. Then on the layers panel, I'll change the stacking order. I'm going to put the rocks below the texture layer and then select the texture and change the blend mode to soft light. Then I'll return to the rocks layer, use the select menu to select all, and then I'm going to…
