From the course: Photoshop 2024: New AI Features
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Generative AI vs. content aware - Photoshop Tutorial
From the course: Photoshop 2024: New AI Features
Generative AI vs. content aware
- [Instructor] Let's use a couple of other things in Photoshop to compare to generative AI. So I have an image here of a photo crasher and we'd like to remove her from the image, I'm going to start with the object selection tool and I've got it in lasso mode just here, let's go ahead and draw around this to get our selection. Now, I can do this quite quickly because I'm using a screen that I can draw directly to just here. Okay, there we are, got that selection, so it's going to go ahead and select, perfect. Let's try Content-Aware Fill to start off with, so Edit, Content-Aware Fill. And that takes us into that workspace, now, you can see, even though I could play around with this to tune it, it is really struggling to determine where to pick up the pixels for that. Now, I'm not going to labor it and try and make that work, I'm instead going to just hit Escape. And what I'll do this time is I will go ahead with the lovely…
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