From the course: Pitching Yourself for Opportunity
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The pitch framework: Destination, backstory, connect the dots
From the course: Pitching Yourself for Opportunity
The pitch framework: Destination, backstory, connect the dots
- So how do I actually do it, Jodi? How do I pitch myself for a new opportunity? A lot of times we think that we need to memorize a script. We need to practice what we're going to say and rehearse it so that we don't get nervous and we hit all the points we want. I'm here to tell you that we are not memorizing anything. Your pitch isn't canned, it isn't a script. It's a two-way dialogue with a framework I'm going to introduce to you that is foolproof, that is simple, and that is easy to put into practice because you've got three different pieces of the puzzle that you will pull out as needed. Here's the pitch framework. Number one, you start by looking forward and lead with your destination. Number two, then you go to your backstory. And number three, you round it all out for me by connecting the dots and bringing it all together. And the beauty of this strategy is that you know, and you will practice, and you will…
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The pitch framework: Destination, backstory, connect the dots2m 15s
Destination: Look forward with your pitch1m 46s
Destination: The hardest part of a good pitch4m 42s
Backstory: How to talk about your past in your pitch1m 16s
Backstory: Two ways to pitch your experience3m 1s
Connect the dots for your audience2m 8s