From the course: Planning a Small Business Cloud Strategy

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How much do I save?

How much do I save?

- [Instructor] So, probably a more important question beyond what something costs is how much I'm going to save. And small businesses are really interested in this question because ultimately it looks at the ROI that Cloud computing's gonna bring back for them. So what's important here is that consider both tactical and strategic costs. It's one thing to look at the operational costs which is typically gonna be a bit cheaper. But, it's another thing to look at the strategic costs. The ability to have agility, time to market advantages, things like that which is gonna be very important for small businesses. Make sure that you leverage the right metrics. In other words, understand what metrics are important to you and how to measure success with your Cloud utilization. So, do a high-level and low-level business case. In other words, low-level, being we're looking at the very primitive features, operational features. High-level we're looking at the soft costs. In other words, what's the…
