From the course: Planning a Small Business Cloud Strategy

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Understanding common patterns

Understanding common patterns

- [Instructor] So let's talk about understanding common patterns. So what's important here is that this is a focus on the meta issues. In essence, what are the holistic requirements that we're dealing with as a small to medium-sized business? And how does that allow us to approach cloud computing differently? Understand common solutions to common problems. So storage compute databases, things like that. Understanding what capabilities are out there, what solution patterns are there for the problem patterns that we have in a particular business. Understand that these will change over time as our small business changes, which there will be a lot of changes, either good or bad over the next few years. Our ability to align the technology to the needs of the business is gonna be core. Understand that each cloud solution needs to drive at least five-times value. So ultimately if we're gonna leverage cloud computing, we should expect a lot from that solution, and we should be able to map…
