From the course: Planning a Small Business Cloud Strategy

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Understanding your needs

Understanding your needs

- [Instructor] Right, let's understand your own needs as a small business. So what's important here is that this is the most important step, but it's often skipped. A lot of small businesses that are considering cloud computing don't do self-investigation in terms of where they need to go, what their requirements are, and what needs to be done in terms of moving them into the cloud. And if you don't understand your own requirements, you're likely not to get to the right cloud solution. Please don't let this technology drive you. So ultimately this is about understanding the differences between what your needs are and what technology is available. In many instances, people move right to the technology. That's typically not going to be a good idea. You need to understand the requirements, where you pick the technology and back the right technology into your requirements. Small to medium sized business requirements should be basic. We have a certain amount of storage, compute…
