From the course: Planning a Small Business Cloud Strategy
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Use case four: Crossing international boundaries
From the course: Planning a Small Business Cloud Strategy
Use case four: Crossing international boundaries
- [Instructor] So let's talk about Cloud systems that we build across international boundaries. What's important here is that many small to medium sized businesses are global. And that's just the way things are these days. We're not isolated within the country that we're basically running our businesses. We're selling across borders, and we're doing so in ways that are most effective for us. So in understanding the internationalization of a business means also understanding the way in which you're gonna back Cloud competing resources into the requirements of that business. Keep in mind that you need to consider this when picking Cloud computing providers, and ultimately, some Cloud computing providers may have good national support, but very poor international support, and that may toss them out. So like, they may have exactly what we need in terms of technology requirements. We may have to find we need to make trade-offs in order to leverage technology that happens to exist outside…
Use case one: Give me SaaS4m 21s
Use case two: Public IaaS, no data center at all5m 21s
Use case three: SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS3m 23s
Use case four: Crossing international boundaries3m 44s
Understanding common patterns2m 55s
Understanding common problems2m 14s