From the course: Planning a Small Business Cloud Strategy
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Use case three: SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS
From the course: Planning a Small Business Cloud Strategy
Use case three: SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS
- [Instructor] So let's look at another use case. This time leveraging all three types of clouds, infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, and software as a service. So what's important here is that platform as a service is really for a dev shop, but does have a place in a small business. So if you do not do a lot of custom development, then platform as a service typically is not gonna be on your cloud computing shopping list. It's going to be specifically for organizations that need to build applications for specific reasons and are looking to do so in a very quick way. The core reason we leverage paths is that ultimately it's going to automate most of what we do in the application development space. It's gonna automate development, deployment, testing, all these sorts of things that are very important in building applications and deploying them into production. Keep an eye out for common patterns and common solutions. And so ultimately if you're looking to do this, try to…
Use case one: Give me SaaS4m 21s
Use case two: Public IaaS, no data center at all5m 21s
Use case three: SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS3m 23s
Use case four: Crossing international boundaries3m 44s
Understanding common patterns2m 55s
Understanding common problems2m 14s