From the course: Planning a Small Business Cloud Strategy
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Why is it important to small businesses?
From the course: Planning a Small Business Cloud Strategy
Why is it important to small businesses?
- Now, let's talk about why cloud computing is important. First, the cloud allows you to punch above your weight classes, we said in the last video. So, ultimately it allows you to be better than you are, the ability to leverage resources in ways that you couldn't do or couldn't afford, being a small business. It allows you to grow with your business and cloud has expandability, elasticity, and so as the business grows, we're able to leverage cloud resources that are able to align directly with the needs of the business. We have to pay more but that's okay. We only pay for what we use. And again, it allows you to pay only for what you use and so we're able to, in essence, live to a budget, and as the business expands, and as we're making more money, we're able to pay for more cloud resources. As the business may contract at times, which businesses do, we're gonna need fewer cloud resources, and therefore pay less. It's not a fixed cost. It's not a capex or capital expenditure that…