From the course: Platform Engineering Foundations

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Beyond MVP: Scaling developer platforms

Beyond MVP: Scaling developer platforms

From the course: Platform Engineering Foundations

Beyond MVP: Scaling developer platforms

- [Instructor] After some time in development, your platform engineering team and development teams will agree that your developer platform has reached critical mass. Many, if not all, teams are using it for at least one of their workloads. Now, it's time to plan for the next phase. The minimally viable stage of your developer platform is just the first chapter of your platform engineering journey. The scope of your MVP may shift somewhat during development. However, it's important to identify a clear milestone. Plant a flag that says MVP Complete. That way, all stakeholders understand and agree that you've entered the next chapter, scale. The more successful your MVP, the more application development teams will be clamoring for their favorite backlogged features to be included in the next release. The work will shift from minimally viable to most valuable. What's the next highest impact work you can do? It may be tempting to jump in and start furiously adding new features. However…
