From the course: Post-Production Productivity

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Organizing materials with Evernote

Organizing materials with Evernote

From the course: Post-Production Productivity

Organizing materials with Evernote

- [Instructor] In the last few lessons dealing with information overload, I walked you through the simple system that I use to sort and organize information so I don't get overwhelmed or feel like I am constantly missing out on every single new article released in the history of the internet. And that system included using tools such as Feedly and Pocket. In this lesson, I am going to briefly demonstrate what I do with reference materials that I would like to keep for future use, but I don't want to have hanging around distracting me. My favorite tool for keeping reference materials is Evernote and you can use it for almost any scenario, whether you file information from your email, social media, Feedly, Pocket, or the 100 browser tabs that you might just have open right now. Don't worry, I'm not judging. So here we are at, and just to let you know, Evernote is both web-based and desktop-based. Now what I'm…
