From the course: PowerPoint: Transforming Presentations with Cinematic Effects

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Double-exposure effect

Double-exposure effect

- [Instructor] Double exposure is a technique that combines two or more images into a single one by blending them together. This cinematic effect is perfect for storytelling. You can create visual metaphors and add depth to your presentation. For example, having a picture of a woman blending with a forest could symbolize the connection between humans and nature. It can also provide more context to an image. In this example, the double exposure effect gives the impression that we're viewing the content on the computer screen. This effect is quite easy to replicate in PowerPoint using transparencies. So first, let's work on a simple slide for a corporate deck where I want to showcase that the company is reviewing the financial results of the year. First, let's insert our two images into the slide. In my case, I picked an image of a man holding a tablet. For my second image, I will use a picture of some charts that will help provide context to the viewer. Select the first image and make…
