From the course: PowerPoint: Transforming Presentations with Cinematic Effects

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Integrate multimedia to create dynamic slides

Integrate multimedia to create dynamic slides

- [Narrator] The secret to creating cinematic visuals is to make highly-engaging slides by integrating videos, audios, images, or even 3D models that support your content. The combination of these different types of media content is called multimedia, and its purpose is to create a rich or interactive user experience. So let's break down the purpose of each media element, understand their use, and explore how you can combine them to create more dynamic slides. First, let's start with videos which serve the purpose of visually engaging the audience. They're great when you need to demonstrate or explain something complex. Some videos can be used as textures or special effects while others facilitate learning and help with the retention of information. Videos with testimonials or those that include historical archives can make a presentation much richer and dynamic. On the other hand, audios like voice narrations or music can support the content of your slides, making it more memorable…
