From the course: Practical Success Metrics in Your Training Program
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Conclusions about organizational impact
From the course: Practical Success Metrics in Your Training Program
Conclusions about organizational impact
- Training is an investment, and like any investment, we expect a return. So, if you feel some pressure from stakeholders to show them some results, don't be caught off guard. If your training was well-planned, and by that, I mean you set it up with evaluation in mind, you're going to be fine. It'll be easy to show meaningful results. Just like when you were setting up your measurement approach before, you have to know management's key business issue. What organizational-level element are they trying to improve? What problem needs to be solved? It's never just about faster onboarding or fewer steps to manufacture. There is always a larger goal and your job is to connect the dots. Next, if your training worked, don't take all the credit. Look, smart leaders know training won't solve their problems or achieve business objectives alone, so it looks better when you collaborate with other operational areas to solve the…