From the course: Premiere Pro 2020 Essential Training

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Finishing your project: Export and delivery

Finishing your project: Export and delivery - Premiere Pro Tutorial

From the course: Premiere Pro 2020 Essential Training

Finishing your project: Export and delivery

- Once you've done the hard, but rewarding work in creating your video, you're ready to share it with the world. Now over the years, there have been different delivery methods, including printing to tape, burning a DVD or Blu-ray, but these days, the most common delivery method is exporting a master file or publishing to the web. Regardless, it is often very helpful that you find out what the final deliverables are going to be, as early in the process as possible. So that you can set your project up for success and avoid hiccups when it is time to deliver. When performing an export, ask yourself, who is going to be viewing the video? What quality does it need to be? Does it need to be transported from your system to another system, and if so, are there any size limitations? Do you need to broadcast it, publish it to the web, or project it at a cinema? Depending on the answers to these questions, you'll…
