From the course: Premiere Pro 2020 Essential Training
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Performing fit-to-fill editing - Premiere Pro Tutorial
From the course: Premiere Pro 2020 Essential Training
Performing fit-to-fill editing
- [Instructor] Let's take a look at how to perform fit to fill editing, which allows us to fit a certain duration of source material into a marked area of the timeline. All right, I'm going to come to my first marker here, and here I have two shots edited together of Esther slicing bread and giving it to a toddler. I'm just going to play over it. [Esther] Lovely, good bread is good for you. We are very-- [Instructor] Okay, so I think this works just fine, and the reason I chose to edit two shots together is because the actual action of her doing this takes a little too long, so I'm going to perform a match frame, keyboard shortcut f, and I'm just going to play over it to show you what I mean. - [Esther] He doesn't need any butter on it. Would you like? Oh, good boy. - [Male] Say thank you. - [Esther] Now-- - [Instructor] All right, so it took a little bit longer than I wanted it to, so I edited these two shots together.…
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