From the course: Premiere Pro 2020 Essential Training
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Using basic motion effects - Premiere Pro Tutorial
From the course: Premiere Pro 2020 Essential Training
Using basic motion effects
- Let's take a look at how we use Premiere's built-in motion effects to rescale and reposition video elements in our frame. So I have a montage of bread shots from the farmer's market. Let me play it for you now. (upbeat music) All right, so instead of having them appear one after another, I'd like to create a composite. Where we have a grid of eight images appear, one at a time until we fill the entire video frame. So to set this up, I'm going to move each of these on a higher track and then trim out. So I'm going to just select all of these and I can either drag up or you can also use the keyboard. If I just hold down option or alt on a PC and use my up arrow, everything will move up. And then I trim V1 out and we'll do it again. Option, up arrow, and trim. Okay, and so on and so forth. But to save time, I've already done that here, all right. And it's going to look the same as it just did because we haven't…
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Video effects: Correcting and changing your footage4m 29s
Using basic motion effects5m 58s
Working with transition effects8m 45s
Applying and modifying video effects5m 33s
Saving and sharing effects3m 54s
Working with adjustment layers and nests7m 32s
Adding effects to master clips6m 35s
Keyframing effects over time5m 39s
Masking and tracking effects8m 59s
Understanding rendering options5m 51s