From the course: Premiere Pro 2020 Essential Training
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Working in the Essential Graphics window - Premiere Pro Tutorial
From the course: Premiere Pro 2020 Essential Training
Working in the Essential Graphics window
- [Instructor] In the previous videos, we got introduced to the graphics titler, working exclusively in the effect controls panel to make all of our edits. There's also a tool called the Essential Graphics window and it offers a bit more in terms of options and capability. So, let's take a look. All right, so I have a lower third title here for Esther. I'm just going to play over this so that you can see the animation. - We are at a very very small family-run bakery. - [Instructor] Okay, so I'm going to select this and then come up to effect controls and you can see here are my two text layers and if I twirl this down now you can see that I have animations on position and opacity so as I scrub through this you can sort of see what's going on in terms of what's happening with our first text layer and then we just have a animation on position for our second text layer. Okay, we know that in the effect controls panel…
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