From the course: Premiere Pro 2020 Essential Training
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Working with double-system sound - Premiere Pro Tutorial
From the course: Premiere Pro 2020 Essential Training
Working with double-system sound
- [Instructor] Sometimes you may be working with footage that doesn't contain the best audio. Perhaps an interview was recorded with an on-board camera mic, but good quality audio was recorded separately on a digital recorder. This is a really common workflow. In Premiere Pro, you're able to merge these clips together, which allow you to select a video clip and sync it with up to 16 channels of audio. And this process is actually an automatic one, as long as you record audio onto your camera, even if it is of inferior quality. This is called the Double-System Sound Workflow. So let's take a look. So I have some clips of Esther here, and I want to take a look at these first two. Going to load this one and play. - Oh it's very, we're on the banks of the black border, and on the foothills of the Nachman downs. - [Instructor] Alright, so the audio there, is pretty muddy, and low. Not really sounding very good. And then…
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Audio editing: Building the soundtrack5m 5s
Exploring audio channel configuration8m 34s
Editing in your music10m 54s
Making audio gain adjustments9m 56s
Adjusting audio volume5m 34s
Keyframing audio volume6m 51s
Working with double-system sound5m 39s