From the course: Premiere Pro Essential Training (2022–2024)

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Batch exporting with Adobe Media Encoder

Batch exporting with Adobe Media Encoder

- [Instructor] If you'd like to export multiple files or the same file with multiple formats, or if you just don't want to be locked out of Premiere Pro while you perform the export, then you'll queue up your files and export using Adobe Media Encoder. All right, so let's explore this. I'm going to go in my 12.2 bin and I've got two sequences. The first one is my full show and the second one is just a short montage. All right, so I'm going to go to my first sequence here and then export. And I'm just going to name this Full show screener and Match Source Adaptive High Bitrate is fine. Let's go ahead and burn in that time code. And then instead of choosing export I'm going to send to Media Encoder. All right and here it is, this dropdown menu shows me my codec so I can change that here if I like. Here is my preset, so I can change that. Besides just changing to a different preset from this dropdown if I would like to…
