From the course: Premiere Pro Essential Training (2022–2024)
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Exporting your project
From the course: Premiere Pro Essential Training (2022–2024)
Exporting your project
- [Instructor] All right, we've come to the point where we need to get our sequence outside of Premiere Pro. So let's talk about how to export a movie. I'm going to go into my 12.1 bin and load my sequence. And if you indeed want all of your video and all of your audio files to be exported, just make sure that you don't have any tracks muted or soloed or any video tracks turned off. If you have any in or out points in the timeline, you can clear those. That's Option + X. And then you simply come up to the Export tab or the keyboard shortcut for export is Command + M or Control + M on a PC. We're going to be exporting a standalone media file but also notice that there are many platforms that you can directly export and publish to. They do have publish parameters so you can just sign in and then your file will be uploaded directly to the service. But I'm going to choose Media File. And up here, I will name it On the…
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