From the course: Premiere Pro Essential Training (2022–2024)

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Trimming shot length using ripple trims

Trimming shot length using ripple trims

- [Instructor] As you edit your sequence, you'll slot in the major components, but then you'll need to tweak your edits to perfect timing and eliminate small errors. And that's where trimming comes in. I'm going to load my Pre ripple sequence in my 4.1 bin. And here I have a partial version of our sequence before adding B-roll. But this version of a sequence needs a bit of help. I've got some extra words and dead space and up cut dialogue and other timing errors that I need to fix. Okay, and we are going to fix these using ripple edits. Let's play over the first few clips. - But it's the first thing I look at, that bay every morning. It's never been the same twice. - [Instructor] Okay, so I have a few errors already. Let's come to the very beginning. And again, earlier in this course, we really worked hard to eliminate that word but. But here it is back again. So let's learn another way to fix that here. All right, so…
