From the course: Premiere Pro Essential Training (2022–2024)
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Using the Import window and Media Browser
From the course: Premiere Pro Essential Training (2022–2024)
Using the Import window and Media Browser
- [Instructor] Now that we're a little more comfortable with the Premier Pro environment, let's drop back to the beginning and spend this chapter talking all about how we ingest and organize our media. Then in the next chapter, we'll start in on all things editing. So we're going to be going into our main On the Shores of this Bay project, a little later in this chapter so that we can take advantage of our well organized assets, but to begin with here, I'd like to start in an empty project so that we can really start from scratch. So I'll come up to New Project and then I'm just going to call this Oyster Demo 2, and it's okay if it lives on my desktop. And then let's bring in our oyster footage before we just brought in our sample clips from the going home project. But this time I actually do want to navigate to my exercise files, which I know are on my desktop, and then exercise files, I'm just double clicking to…
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