From the course: Premiere Pro Essential Training (2022–2024)

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Using the Speed Duration tool

Using the Speed Duration tool

- [Instructor] I'd like to show you the Speed Duration tool, which offers you some additional features for changing the speed and direction of your clips. I'm going to go in the 9.4 bin and load speed duration. All right, and here is a shot of my cloud time lapse. Notice the clouds are moving away from us, okay? So I'm going to select this clip and then press Command + R or Control + R on a PC. And my clip speed duration window opens up. Here at the top, I have speed and duration. By default, these are linked. You can unlink them if you like. But most of the time, you leave them linked, and that link simply means that these are related, so 100% speed results in a just over six-second clip. If I double that, the duration is halved, and if I go to 50% speed, the duration is doubled. All right, so that makes sense. But why would I use this tool instead of Save the Rate Stretch tool? Well, most of the reasons are down here.…
