From the course: Product Management: Customer Development

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How to analyze interview results

How to analyze interview results

- Your interview results will come in the form of a lot of notes and anecdotal information. Interviews don't provide hard numbers like surveys do, so interpreting the results looks a little bit different. The most important part of analyzing interview results is looking for patterns. You have to take on the role of detective and look for similar evidence across your interviews. What's similar about the responses different individuals gave you? Did they all mention a similar problem? Did they all not mention a problem you expected? Did several of them have a similar process they wished would be easier? There are four specific patterns you're looking for and they're usually sequential. You're looking to find out if your interview subjects, first, mention the same problem, second, indicate they're already actively seeking solutions, third, say they're unhappy with the solutions they're currently finding, and last, have a budget already available to solve the problem. Think of it like…
