From the course: Project Management: International Projects

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Considering time zones

Considering time zones

- Did you know that there are more than 24 time zones on the globe? That's because some countries use uneven coordinated universal time, or UTC offsets, that differ only by 30 or 45 minutes and not the full hour. It's quite possible then, that there will be someone on your team that is ready to go to sleep when you're just getting into the office. Each subgroup will live and behave based on their own local time which can hinder coordination and synchronization of tasks in your project. Here are some ideas you'll want to put into practice to avoid problems related to time zones. The first thing I recommend is to make sure everyone communicates time with the correct UTC time zone standard. Make it a habit to add the specific time zone of a meeting, the hours, and the offset in hours. For example, 0600 CST, China Standard Time, UTC+8. Or 0830 EST, Eastern Standard Time, UTC-5. Although many computer applications write the time this way automatically, it's important to double check…
