From the course: Prompt Engineering with ChatGPT

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Leveraging multi-modality

Leveraging multi-modality

- [Instructor] This is going to be an exciting one where we look at multimodality. Now, a multimodal model is an AI model that can process data from various modalities. Some examples of modalities are text, audio, video, and imagery. And examples of tasks that leverage multimodality are visual question answering. That's where you give a model an image along with a question, and hopefully the model can answer questions about the image it receives. There's also text to image, video, or audio generation where you would give a model a text prompt along with perhaps an image, and the model would generate a new image. Now, the paid version of ChatGPT supports multimodality, and here's a neat way that I like to use it in order to cook. And you can try this out. What I do is I gather some ingredients that I have laying around the house and I put them all together. And using the ChatGPT mobile app, I take a photo of these ingredients and I add to this image the prompt, "How do I cook with…
