From the course: Python: Advanced Design Patterns
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Architectural vs. design patterns - Python Tutorial
From the course: Python: Advanced Design Patterns
Architectural vs. design patterns
- [Narrator] Think about the difference between architectural patterns and design patterns. My goal here is two-fold, if you're not already familiar with architectural patterns, I'd like to open up some new horizons for you by introducing the concept. For those of you who are in the know, I may still be able to enhance your understanding so that the difference between architectural and design patterns are crystal clear to you. Design patterns are low-level and concrete. They are at the class level, and address how classes are instantiated, structured, and orchestrated. On the other hand, architectural patterns are high-level and abstract. They are at the module level and address global concerns, such as security, performance, maintainability, etc. By the way, these software qualities are also called quality attributes. Unlike its cousin, the impact of a design pattern is local. For example, a singleton focus is on limiting the number of objects instantiated from the same class, which…
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