From the course: Python: Advanced Design Patterns (2018)

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Case study: Intercepting validator

Case study: Intercepting validator - Python Tutorial

From the course: Python: Advanced Design Patterns (2018)

Case study: Intercepting validator

- (narrator) Many cyber security attacks exploit a software system's dependence on user inputs. In fact, this is often the weakest link in our defense against cyber criminals. Some of the most famous hacking techniques include SQL injection and cross-site scripting. Both SQL injection and cross-site scripting take advantage of the absence of a mechanism to check user inputs before using them for further processing. In the case of SQL injection, malicious users append additional database commands to a user input, intended to be raw data like "user name" as shown here. Cross-site scripting attempts to execute a piece of code by entering it into a text field, as you can see here. The key to preventing both SQL injection and cross-site scripting is adding a step in your code to validate if a user input contains any suspicious keywords. In our SQL injection example, "or" is highly suspicious because it is rare for somebody's user name to contain "or." If a programmer is well-informed about…
