From the course: Python: Advanced Design Patterns (2018)

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Python as an object-oriented programming (OOP) language

Python as an object-oriented programming (OOP) language - Python Tutorial

From the course: Python: Advanced Design Patterns (2018)

Python as an object-oriented programming (OOP) language

- [Instructor] There are two major approaches to organize your program code. Building related statements into a unit called a function that accomplishes a particular task is referred to as procedural programming. This task could range from reading data from a file to keeping track of a transaction at a point of sale. On the other hand, object-oriented programming uses objects as its way of structuring the code. You can define these objects in terms of their properties and behaviors. It is perfectly fine to follow the procedural way of programming in Python, but it may not be wise because Python was designed to be an object-oriented programming language and can offer so much more when you treat it the way it should be handled. In fact, design patterns assume the use of the object-oriented programming style. Therefore, you have no choice if you want to use design patterns in your code. What makes Python an object-oriented programming language? There is a straightforward answer to this…
