From the course: Python: Advanced Design Patterns

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Why use design patterns, or why not?

Why use design patterns, or why not? - Python Tutorial

From the course: Python: Advanced Design Patterns

Why use design patterns, or why not?

- [Instructor] You should be able to articulate the benefits of using design patterns and encourage your fellow developers to adopt them. This is because you can get the most out of design patterns when they're used consistently throughout your team and organization. One of the most obvious selling points is that design patterns save time and money. Developing a well-crafted design solution takes time and can rack up development costs. On the other hand, you hardly have to lift a finger when reusing ready made design solutions. Life is even better if you share the same code base with your coworkers. This way, you don't even have to think twice about the coding tests covered by design patterns and their implementations. Part of mastering the tricks of a trade is to learn its vocabulary. As you might already have guessed, the design pattern lingo is a major contributor to the body of software engineering vocabulary. If you don't understand what singleton means, it's difficult to…
