From the course: Python Data Structures: Sets and Frozen Sets
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Understand set theory with an example - Python Tutorial
From the course: Python Data Structures: Sets and Frozen Sets
Understand set theory with an example
- [Instructor] Let us discuss a case study to understand set theory by example. Does this picture remind you of Lego blocks? You are given a heap of colorful Lego blocks. You are free to explore your creativity and build what you want. Heap of blocks is, however, difficult to manage, so you decide to divide this heap of blocks into three groups, group one, group two, group three. So that the little blocks don't get lost, you are further asked to solve some problems and give the insights about the blocks, and then you are free to play and build what you want. These are some questions that you need to answer to give some insights about the blocks.
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Understand set theory with an example45s
Find all the elements present in different sets4m 30s
Find the common elements present between the sets4m 22s
Determine the difference between two sets4m 14s
Determine the symmetric difference between two sets2m 6s
Determine whether two sets have any common elements1m 14s
Determine whether one set is a subset of another1m 41s
Determine whether one set is a superset of another2m 36s
Solution: List unregistered students1m 20s