From the course: Python vs. R for Data Science

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Data loading in Python vs. R

Data loading in Python vs. R

- So you have your data and you're ready to begin an analysis. What's next? Well, you start by loading your data into a program. This involves reading the file that contains the data. In this video, I want to share with you common types of data files and the types of functions you've used in both Python and R. The approach for reading the file depends on the file format, which indicates how information is structured in the file. The most common file formats you will encounter in the context of data science include csv, xlsx and json. Now these are just a few. There are many other file formats that exist and are supported by Python and R. Also, you might have data in a zip file, which is a file containing multiple files within it that have been compressed to take up less space. In this case, you can unzip and extract the specific data files you want to work on or you can directly read the zip file into your program.…
