From the course: Real Estate Photography: Bathrooms
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Final thoughts
From the course: Real Estate Photography: Bathrooms
Final thoughts
- That's all I've got you guys. Look, bathrooms can be the money shot in the house, right? This is where a lot of the remodeling money gets spent, just like the kitchens, and just like kitchens, master bathrooms can be pretty hard. They're like miniature kitchens in the sense that there's a lot of hard shiny surfaces, a lot of glass, a lot of angles, a lot of complexity. Plus, they're a little smaller, and frankly, smaller is harder to light. So, this is a good room to slow down, take your time, do a good job, 'cause again, this might be one of the most important shots you take all day long. I think the take away from this is to slow it down, especially initially, leave your camera outside the room, go in there, and spend, like, a minute, a full minute, maybe even, oh my gosh, two minutes, just looking at the room. Find the lines, see the lines, look at the shapes and tones, develop a pre-visualized, finished photo in your mind's eye, in your head. Then, build that photo, step by…