From the course: Residential Design and Visualization: Concept Development

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Create floor plans

Create floor plans

- [Instructor] As you develop your concepts, you will need to communicate your designs to your client. Now there are a number of ways to do this, but in this chapter we're gonna take a look at some of the ways to communicate in 2D. I find 2D to be a great format because you can send things as digital images, or print them out as documents and just about anybody can view them. First we're gonna take a look at floor plans. Here we have our basic building, and if we want, we could just pop the roof off and take a look at that, and that's kind of a floor plan. In a more proper way using what's called a section plane. We can go into tools, select section plane, and as you can see this plane will snap to just about any surface. So it'll snap to a vertical surface or a horizontal surface. I wanna snap to blue, which aligns that section plane along the vertical axis. Left click. And there's a section plane. Now what this has done, is it's actually clipped out the building. If we select the…
