From the course: Revit 2022: Essential Training for Architecture (Imperial and Metric)

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Adding extensions to railings

Adding extensions to railings

- [Instructor] Most building codes have some sort of requirement for handrails to extend past the end of the stairs for safety reasons. So what I'd like to talk about in this video is how we can build some of those rules directly into our railing types. Now, I want to warn you that the process is a little bit detailed and there's a lot of dialogues to go through. So we'll try and do it as systematically as possible here. There's a lot of options. So the first thing is I want to show you a couple of different variations. So for this railing here on the right, I'm going to show you the post return option where the railing will be able to extend past the end and then return back to the post. And then for this one, I'll show you the wall return option where it can extend past and then return to the wall adjacent to it. That means that I need two different railing types. So right now they're both the same, so I'll…
