From the course: Revit 2022: Essential Training for Architecture (Imperial and Metric)

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Adding walls

Adding walls

- [Instructor] Walls are by far the most basic element of any building project. So, in this video I'd like to take a little time getting familiar with the basics of the wall tool. So to get started, I'm working in a very simple file that just has a few levels in it. And we're going to go right to the wall tool or you can type w+a. So I'm going to explain each of the areas of the interface that have changed when we run the wall tool let's start up on the modified tab with the draw panel. So here you're going to see several different shapes that we can draw with the wall tool. Now, beneath the ribbon, running across the screen we have the options bar and we've got lots of settings there that we can configure which include height and other settings that pertain to the walls that you're drawing. Some of those settings are also repeated here on the properties palette but there are also other properties available for the walls…
