From the course: Revit 2022: Essential Training for Architecture (Imperial and Metric)

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Introducing building information modeling (BIM)

Introducing building information modeling (BIM)

- [Instructor] So I know you're likely anxious to get into Revit right away, but before we do, let's talk about a few high-level concepts first. For starters, just exactly what is BIM? Well, as you may know, BIM stands for Building Information Model(ing), and this is a term that's been in the industry for many years now. And it was actually coined by Autodesk several years ago. It's used to describe the process of creating virtual models that represent actual building facilities. Now, Revit is often highly touted as purpose built for building information modeling. And this is certainly true, but it often leads to some confusion that somehow Revit and BIM equal the same thing. Revit and BIM are not the same thing. Revit is a tool to help us achieve BIM. And BIM is actually a process that we follow to create building model data that is essentially two things coordinated and computable. Now these are the two most important…
