From the course: Revit 2022: Essential Training for Architecture (Imperial and Metric)

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Tapered walls

Tapered walls

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to take a look at tapered walls. Tapered walls are similar to slanted walls except that they can have two angles. So rather than just simply slanting the entire wall at some angle, we can actually angle either side of the wall at a different value. So I've got a couple of examples right here on my screen that you can see, of course walls one and two are straight up vertical walls but walls three and four are both tapered. And wall three is tapered only on the left-hand side and wall four here is actually tapered on both sides if you look carefully, the angles are subtle but it's got a taper on both sides. So we're going to look at how all that occurs. And there are some potential gotchas when working with the tapered walls. So, I want to kind of make sure that you clearly understand the steps that are required in order to get from a vertical wall to a tapered wall. So it's a…
