From the course: Revit 2022: Essential Training for Architecture (Imperial and Metric)
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Working with visibility and graphic overrides - Revit Tutorial
From the course: Revit 2022: Essential Training for Architecture (Imperial and Metric)
Working with visibility and graphic overrides
- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to move down the visibility hierarchy to visibility graphics. So once you've established your object styles that control the way things look in all views, then you might find the need to customize on a view by view basis and that's what visibility graphics is for. So let me demonstrate where we find the command and how it works. We're going to go over here to the View tab and you're looking for the Visibility Graphics button or you can type V + G, the keyboard shortcut. When we get here, you'll see a list of all the categories. We're going to stay here on the Model Categories tab for this example and I'll do something really simple and obvious. I'm going to scroll down and locate the doors category, uncheck the box here to hide the doors, click okay and you will see all of the doors disappear in this view. Now, to emphasize the fact that this change only occurs in the view that…
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Using object styles6m 6s
Working with visibility and graphic overrides6m 9s
Recommendations for annotation visibility7m 45s
Using view templates9m 22s
Hiding and isolating objects in a model6m 51s
View extents and crop regions7m 14s
View range7m 3s
Displaying objects above and below in plan views9m 18s
Using the Linework tool and Depth Cueing8m 24s
Using cutaway views7m 21s
Using graphical display options9m 35s