From the course: Revit 2025: Essential Training for Architecture

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Locating walls

Locating walls

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to perform the wall layout required for a small two bedroom condominium layout. So we're going to work with the wall tool, but we're going to approach it a little bit more systematically and strategically than we did in earlier videos on walls, because here we have a specific architectural layout in mind that we're trying to create. So we're going to use a process that I like to refer to as sketch, then modify, or I sometimes also refer to it as progressive refinement. Now these are not official Revit terms, but it is an official Revit concept. In other words, you typically start off by laying out elements in approximate locations, roughly where they need to be. And then over time, as you learn more about your design and make more decisions, you solely and progressively refine that layout to a more complete configuration. So Revit lends itself to that with a variety of tools, including some that we've already looked at, like temporary…
