From the course: Revit 2025: Essential Training for Architecture

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Rotating and aligning a Revit link

Rotating and aligning a Revit link

- [Instructor] In this video, I've got a model with a link and I want to position the link relative to the model that it's linked to. And in this case, the building model is down here, in the lower right hand corner. This is my little office building model. And then up here, I have this object, which is the linked site model. So inside that linked model is the site information. It's got a toposolid and a property line and so on. Now at first, your instinct might be that you should move the building to the site, and there's a certain amount of logic to that, makes a certain amount of sense, but because I'm in the building model file, I actually want to do the reverse. So I want to pick up this linked site model and I want to move it over to the correct location relative to the building. Now the reason why that's better is because by doing that, you're just simply moving the link. You're not actually changing anything in the site model. So you don't have to worry that you're changing…
