From the course: Revit 2025 Essential Training for Structure (Imperial and Metric)

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Adding area reinforcing

Adding area reinforcing

- [Instructor] As you can see, we can add rebar stick by stick, piece by piece, right? In this lesson, I'd like to create area reinforcing. We'll add this to both the floor slab as well as a wall. So in Revit, under Models, let's go Open. Let's select Structural_07-04 and click Open. Let's go down to level one structural plan. Let's go to our south elevation. Let's select this wall right here. Let's click on Area for reinforcement. For the layout rule, maximum spacing. And we have layers. So underneath it, the layers are going to be exterior major and minor. No hooks. So we'll keep with the number four bars. The major spacing will be one foot. The minor will be four bars, no hooks. That will also be one foot. Now I do want an interior as well, and I want to keep those the same. Number fours. Number fours. The defaults are perfect. So I want to click on Pick Lines. And I want to go from here to here to here. And then I guess to here. We'll type T-R for trim. And we'll trim these out…
