From the course: Revit 2025 Essential Training for Structure (Imperial and Metric)

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Adding brace frame gussets

Adding brace frame gussets

- [Instructor] What I'd like to do in this video is model some gusset plates. For a few years now, Revit has had a new category called Plates just for this function, allowing you to add these plates just by sketch. Let's jump in. Under Models, let's go Open and Chapter 05. Let's grab Structural_05-03. Click Open. In the Project browser, Let's scroll down till we find Framing Elevations and drill into that. Let's double click on BRACE FRAME COLUMN 1-2 (F). Let's zoom into here. Let's go to the steel tab. Let's click on Plate. On the Draw panel, click the line button. I want to go right from the center line of this column. Let's go up two feet. Let's come across. Let's come down at a 45. Let's come down to here. Let's come over to here. Hit Escape a few times. For the mark, I'd like to call it PL-01. Click Apply. Click Finish. Select your plate. For the thickness, let's make it one inch. Then hit Apply. For the Coating, instead of none, let's click the dropdown here and let's go to…
